Soul Plans

Discover your true purpose and align with your soul’s journey.

Unlock the wisdom of your soul and gain clarity on your life path through a personalised Soul Plan reading.

What is a Soul Plan reading?

  • Do you know your life purpose?
  • Are you still searching?
  • Do you have a sense there is something more for you in this life?

Many people are asking some or all of these questions. A Soul Plan reading allows us to understand ourselves at a deeper level, and helps us to gain clarity and direction on where to go from here.

In an easily understandable way, I will guide you through a system of life-purpose guidance and spiritual counselling. I often use this system as a roadmap for coaching, and a basis for healing our past wounds and current negative emotions such as anger, sadness, frustration and dissatisfaction.

Together in your Soul Plan reading, we will look at challenges that you may have experienced in your life, and whether you have overcome them. The Soul Plan also identifies the gifts or talents that you were bestowed with, and we will look at whether you have managed to activate these. The insights achieved from the Soul Plan will enable us to understand how you can work towards your Soul Purpose, and ultimately fulfil your Soul Destiny.

The sessions usually last between 1.5 and 2 hours, and a written version of the reading is also provided.

What is a Soul Plan?

Inspired by the ancient Hebrew text Sefer Yetzirah, Soul Plan readings work on the theory that our birth names have a particular resonance that guides us through life. Exploring this resonance can provide a framework for increasing our self-awareness, considering our purpose in life, and striving for greater positivity and balance.

How will a Soul Plan reading help you?

The benefits of a Soul Plan reading can include:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Validation of the suffering and pain you may have experienced in life
  • An understanding of what you can do to achieve greater contentment, fulfilment, or inner peace
  • A greater understanding of your self and unique identity
  • An understanding of how to use the talents you’ve been gifted in life in order to achieve your life purpose
  • A sense of comfort
  • Increased confidence to pursue new goals and fulfil your Soul Destiny